cartodb_id_ | the_geom_GEO | address_ | address_2_ | category_ | city_ | crisis_ap_ | days_ | fax_ | google_link_ | hours_ | liheap_ap_ | name_ | phone_ | services_ | site_services_ | state_ | the_geom_webmercator_GEO | utility_ap_ | water_ap_ | x_ | y_ | zip_ | |
1 | GeoJSON | 59 N. 60TH STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.474.2478 | | N/A | 1 | ACHIEVABILITY | 215.748.8838 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | N/A | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.240519 | 39.962926 | 19139 | |
5 | GeoJSON | 141 E. HUNTING PARK AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.456.0327 | | 8:30a - 5:00p | 1 | CONCILIO | 215.627.3100 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Foster Care, Education, Victim Services | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.125135 | 40.013758 | 19124 | |
8 | GeoJSON | 35 W. CHELTEN AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mons-Wed | 215.843.6020 | | 9:00a -2:00p | 1 | GERMANTOWN AVE CRISIS MINISTRY | 215.843.2340 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Housing Asst, Food Cupboard, THRIVE program | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.175382 | 40.035222 | 19144 | |
10 | GeoJSON | 4907 FRANKFORD AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.437.7864 | | 8:30a - 5:00p | 1 | HACE | 215.437.7867 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Housing Counsel Program, NAC, NCSCP | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.081248 | 40.019319 | 19124 | |
14 | GeoJSON | 6328 PASCHELL AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.726.5719 | | 9:00a - 4:30p | 1 | SOUTHWEST CDC | 215.729.0800 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Housing, Afterschool Program, NAC | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.231194 | 39.925886 | 19142 | |
15 | GeoJSON | 2829 W. DIAMOND STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | N/A | 215.235.3122 | | 9:00a - 5:30p | 1 | STRAWBERRY MANSION | 215.235.7505 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | ECA, DHCD | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.179804 | 39.987755 | 19132 | |
4 | GeoJSON | 22ND & SOMERSET STREET | null | 1 | Philadelphia | 0 | Mon-Thurs | None | | 10:00a - 3:00p | 0 | CITY HALL NORTH - OCEO | 215.685.9745 | Water Applications ONLY | BenePhilly, TAP applications | PA | GeoJSON | 0 | 1 | -75.167227 | 39.997201 | 19132 | |
6 | GeoJSON | 216 W. SOMERSET STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Thurs | 215.291.5597 | | 8:30a - 4:30p | 1 | CONGRESO | 215.763.8870 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Rent Rebate, CASH/SNAP+Medical Asst. | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.135233 | 39.993062 | 19133 | |
7 | GeoJSON | 1920 S. 20TH STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.551.4327 | | 9:00a - 6:00p | 1 | DIXON HOUSE | 215.336.3511 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Mtg Retention, Keyspot, Parenting, Etc. | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.178859 | 39.927482 | 19145 | |
9 | GeoJSON | 4943 N. 5TH STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.456.1664 | | (M-T) 9a-2p (F) 9a-1p | 1 | GPASS | 215.456.0308 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Pre purchase, Mortage Asst, Food Cupboard and HUD Certified | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.132647 | 40.02643 | 19120 | |
11 | GeoJSON | 3760 N. DELHI STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon / Tues / Wed | 215.225.4960 | | 9:30a - 11:30a | 1 | HUNTING PARK NAC | 215.225.5560 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Weatherization, SHARE Food, Foreclosure Prev, Rent Rebates, Taxes | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.143514 | 40.009795 | 19140 | |
12 | GeoJSON | 4300 GERMANTOWN AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.329.1825 | | 9:00a - 5:30p | 1 | NICETOWN CDC | 215.329.1824 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | NAC, Supportive Services, Land Maintenance | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.155889 | 40.01933 | 19140 | |
13 | GeoJSON | 325 N. 39TH STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 267.401.1027 | | 9:00a - 6:00p | 1 | PEOPLE'S EMERGENCY CENTER | 267.777.5854 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Employment & Training | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.199989 | 39.959954 | 19104 | |
16 | GeoJSON | 2029 S. 8TH STREET | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.468.5914 | | 9:00a - 5:00p | 1 | UNITED COMMUNITIES | 215.468.1645 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | BenePhilly, Case Management, ESL & OST | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.159671 | 39.923252 | 19148 | |
2 | GeoJSON | 1216 ARCH STREET | 6th Floor | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.558.6653 | | 9a-12p / 1p-4:30p | 1 | ACTION WELLNESS | 215.981.0088 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | MCMCI, HIV Testing & Edu, Recent Incarceration Support | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.160292 | 39.954027 | 19107 | |
3 | GeoJSON | 5818 GERMANTOWN AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.848.0979 | | 8:30a - 4:30p | 1 | CENTER IN THE PARK | 215.848.7722 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Housing Counsel, Senior Services, Meals and Wellness Program | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.176023 | 40.037241 | 19144 | |
17 | GeoJSON | 121 S. BROAD STREET | 9th Floor | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.985.3232 | | 9:00a - 5:00p | 1 | URBAN LEAGUE OF PHILADELPHIA | 215.985.3220 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Youth, Entrepreneurship Center, Workforce and Wellness Ctr | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.164028 | 39.950291 | 19107 | |
18 | GeoJSON | 4427 LANCASTER AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.452.0151 | | 9:00a - 5:00p | 1 | WE NEVER SAY NEVER | 215.452.0440 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Energy Education | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.212065 | 39.969191 | 19104 | |
19 | GeoJSON | 167 W. ALLEGHENY AVENUE | null | 2 | Philadelphia | 1 | Mon-Fri | 215.426.9122 | | 8:30a - 5:00p | 1 | HACE | 215.426.1405 | Utility Grant Applications, LIHEAP Applications, CRISIS Applications | Housing Counsel Program, NAC, NCSCP | PA | GeoJSON | 1 | 0 | -75.13165 | 39.999085 | 19140 |